Frequently Asked Questions

The NSW Government has committed $110.2 million to redevelop Cowra Hospital.
Building a new health facility involves three key phases; Planning, Design and Delivery. The Cowra Hospital Redevelopment is in the Delivery phase.
To view the How to Build a Hospital video, please click here or visit

The first stage in the redevelopment is clinical services planning. The Cowra Hospital Clinical Services Plan (CSP) is prepared by Western NSW Local Health District, and it helps determine what types of solutions, including capital and non-capital, may be applied to meet the current and future health care needs.

The CSP was endorsed by the Ministry of Health in May 2021.


The Lead Consultant Team undertook master planning between July 2021 and Early 2022.

The master plan is a map showing how key clinical connections and requirements identified in the CSP can be supported with infrastructure and how this can be located and support existing services such as transport and utilities.

The master plan will consider the capacity to expand if needed as demand for services changes.

The master plan will be used to develop a concept design. Community feedback on the master plan will be incorporated into the concept design.

The first step of the design phase the development of a concept design allowing for the hospital plan to be brought to life. 

The concept design is a ‘high-level’ design which shoes the shows the relationships between the clinical functions, services and other facilities.

The redevelopment will be built on the existing hospital campus, behind the current hospital. The master planning considered and evaluated a range of options, including a greenfield site, which determined the existing site at Liverpool Street was the most suitable given its proximity to the town centre, strong community attachment, and access a range of nearby health services.

The new $110.2 million Cowra Hospital will deliver a new health service with high-quality, contemporary and accessible care. It will feature upgraded inpatient beds, modern facilities and the hospital’s first CT scanner. The hospital will deliver:

•           An emergency department,
•           A general medical and surgery inpatient ward,
•           A peri-operative service (a range of surgical procedures),
•           A maternity unit with a dedicated nursery,
•           Ambulatory care (services for outpatients),
•           Oral health (dental clinic),
•           Renal dialysis (dialysis treatment for outpatients),
•           Oncology (chemotherapy treatments),
•           Community Health and Mental Health, Drug and Alcohol services, and
•           A CT Scanner and an Ultrasound

All key clinical services will be delivered under one roof in a new, purpose designed building to support contemporary models of care.

The facility will be designed with the capacity to grow as demand for services changes and a building structure that supports staged expansion into the future.

Yes, there is provision for on-site parking for staff, patients and visitors.
The redevelopment will be built on the existing hospital campus, behind the current hospital, the views from the new hospital will be similar from those of existing level 2 and 3 of the current hospital.
Currently, there is no helipad at Cowra Hospital due to topography and density of residential and commercial properties surrounding the site. As such, Cowra Airport is currently used, and Western NSW LHD and Health Infrastructure will consult with NSW Ambulance as planning progresses to determine how best to meet the future health needs of the local community.

Health Infrastructure and Western NSW Local Health District have worked together with the Cowra Hospital Memorial Rose Garden Committee to relocate and preserve the hospital’s historic roses. The roses and plaques have been temporarily relocated to the Cowra Cemetery. Once construction is complete, the roses will be incorporated into the landscaping at the new hospital in a way that reflects the significance of the roses for the families of loved ones and the local community.

As the project progresses, a community working group will be established to identify which of the many existing artworks, photographs and plaques will be transferred and on display in the new hospital.

As with the current facilities, the Health Service will be operational 24/7, and there will be access to services depending on the level of acuity that is presented. 
Under the NSW Government’s Aboriginal Participation in Construction (APIC) policy, the building contractor will be required to create a minimum level of Aboriginal employment opportunity throughout the project delivery nominated as part of the tender process.

Project User Groups (PUGs), comprising clinical and non-clinical staff and other stakeholders, have been established for the services and/or departments within the project.

Throughout the planning process, the project team is working with over 13 PUGs. This will continue during the design phase of the project. Participation from user groups is important in the development of the design to ensure staff, patients and community representatives have input into the infrastructure.

Community consultation will take place at the various stages of planning and design, including the master plan, concept design, schematic design and statutory planning approvals. To date 12 community information sessions have been held for the community to learn about the planning process as well as provide feedback to inform the master plan.

These have been face to face and online to ensure there is wide ranging engagement with the community, staff and stakeholders.

Construction commenced in 2024 and the final program will be shared as construction progresses.
All current services will continue at Cowra Hospital during the construction stage. Every effort will be made to minimise disruption and the community will be informed of any planned changes.
For more information about the Cowra Hospital redevelopment please contact the Project Team by email at or by phone on (02) 9978 5432.
You can also visit the project website at: