Clinical Services Planning

The first stage in the development of a new hospital is clinical services planning. The Cowra Clinical Services Plan (CSP) helps determine the requirements for a new hospital, confirm the role of the hospital within the District, the range of health care services provided, and how these services may be provided. The CSP outlines the current and projected health service needs of the Cowra population and describes key infrastructure and future clinical services recommendations to best meet those needs. 

Western NSW Local Health District undertook comprehensive clinical services planning in 2020 to determine the future range of health services required for the communities in the Cowra Local Government Area. The process included significant stakeholder consultation to inform the planning. The CSP was submitted for review in 2020 and was endorsed by the NSW Ministry of Health in 2021.

More information can be found in the summary of the Cowra Clinical Services Plan from the Western NSW LHD website.

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